Client: Haishop Japan Kyoyuzen // Haishop Japan Film 

The assignment was to create a new souvenir line and brand for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. With product development and creation, an indoor space with an organic coffee shop was also created.

The solution thought was to create new line of ethically sourced souvenirs with a story, which helps artisan communities and promotes lost Japanese crafts.
A range of products was created with typical Japanese history and print elements that helped inform customers about Japan's hidden cultural and artistic traditions.

Branding, Visual Design, Interior, Digital Design ​​​​​​​​​​// HI(NY) Design Studio

Interior Design for Haishop Japan Kyoyuzen
Shibuya Popup for Haishop Japan Kyoyuzen
Haishop Japan Film logo and popup element in Shibuya