Client: Mamorin Kyoto
Mamorin is a young Japanese brand specializing in wellness care for Japanese women, who are constantly challenged by the hours of work and labor at home for the family.
Stress is high and Mamorin cares to provide a solution, through natural products to regain balance in physical well-being and spiritual well-being. The client needed complete new branding along with packaging design. Also, in the future he wanted to make a guide book for Japanese women to direct them to the best product with respect to their health status.
Stress is high and Mamorin cares to provide a solution, through natural products to regain balance in physical well-being and spiritual well-being. The client needed complete new branding along with packaging design. Also, in the future he wanted to make a guide book for Japanese women to direct them to the best product with respect to their health status.
Mission: a custom logotype has been created, that reflected Mamorin's feminine and modern character, along with a saturated and energetic color palette. The imagery is natural, feminine and delicate, expressing well-being and serenity. A series of icons was created for each of Mamorin's elements of well-being (physical strength, spiritual strength, joy, gratitude, protection, and serenity) through geometric shapes that go into constructing a stylized representation of meaning.
Branding, Visual Design, Editorial, Digital Design // HI(NY) Design Studio